T-Mobile Research
The goal of this project was to gain a better understanding of prospective customers and learn how T-Mobile can play an active role during consumers’ deliberations on switching carrier services. T-Mobile commissioned Droga5 to look into target user groups and their motivation during their journey. I worked with the researchers and strategists, and my responsibility was leading the UX portion.
Client : T-Mobile (2017)
Role : UX Designer
Team : Strategist (2), Research Vendor
Research Overview
Research Objective : To identify opportunities for conversion and positive engagement among prospective T-Mobile customers
Target Audience : Millennials born between 1981 to 1996 who were not yet T-Mobile customers but looking to switch their mobile carrier service in six months to a year
Research Process & Methodology :
Research Details
(A) Heuristic Analysis
A heuristic analysis was conducted to evaluate current online purchase experiences. Based on the evaluation criteria (learnability, ease of orientation, efficiency, error of forgiveness, and delightfulness), the main site pages were audited and findings were consolidated into spider charts and an experience map (figure below).
Shopper Research
Qualitative and quantitative research was undertaken to identify their key drivers, motivations, and needs along a consumer’s path to purchase. We turned our research findings into user persona and journey.
(B) Online survey (Quantitative): Online surveys conducted on 1,249 participants inquiring about their interests, carrier relationships, and experiences with switching carriers
(C) Online Community Board & In-Depth Interview (Qualitative): Assigned survey participants series of tasks over a one-week period relating to their carrier relationships and conducted twelve 60-minute interactive interviews to talk freely about their experiences
(D) User Segment & Journey Mapping : Identified user segments into three types of prospects and mapped out each segment’s experience journey with pain points and opportunities
↓ Figures on first row: (B) and (C) overview, figures on second row: (D) sample
Research Takeaways and Implementation
• Growing demands on online shopping
Shoppers are intimidated by store sales representatives. They want to find information online first, but it can be difficult to understand. Creating a user-friendly site with diverse content types will facilitate the online shopping experience.
• Being rewarded as T-Mobile members
Our research found that the release of a new device was the main reason that led shoppers to consider switching carriers/conversion. Perks and rewards were the second biggest drivers of carrier switch/conversion.
T-Mobile was providing carrier switch benefits in which T-Mobile would pay for customers’ early termination fees to switch. In addition to that benefit, our research motivates the creation of T-Mobile’s Tuesday app (figure on the left) which gives perks to the T-mobile customers every Tuesday.